Welcome and thank you for your interest in a position at Royalmont Academy.
Royalmont students are committed to excellence, service to others, and achieving their personal best.
We seek faculty, staff and substitute teachers (at Royalmont we use the term "formator") who are committed, creative, compassionate and looking to make a difference for our students and in the greater Royalmont community.
Teaching, Non-teaching, and Volunteer Background Check Requirements
All teaching and non-teaching employees are required to complete FBI/BCI background checks as well as online background checks as required by the State of Ohio.
The online background check is completed through Selection.
Teaching and non-teaching employees must also comply with the Archdiocesan requirements to complete the Safe Parish Child Protection Training.
Regular volunteers (more than 1 hour in a year period) are required to complete on online background check with Selection.
com as well as comply with the Archdiocesan requirements to complete the Safe Parish Child Protection Training.
Royalmont Academy – 200 Northcrest Dr.
, Mason, OH 45040 (513)754-0555
A thorough background check is required for all those employed or volunteering to work with youth or vulnerable adults as a cleric, at a parish or school, as an Archdiocesan employee or at an Archdiocesan institution.
All volunteers and employees are required to complete the electronic/online background check through SELECTION.
com prior to beginning their volunteer activity or employment.
In addition to the electronic/online background check, employees are required to complete manual fingerprinting and submit a B4 form before beginning their employment at an Archdiocesan parish, school, or institution.
Grades K-12: Cafeteria Lunch Coordinator/Part-Time 2023-2024 school year: This is a part time position to organize the food prep and orders for student lunches, cleaning, and ordering.
It is approximately 15-20 hours a week before and during lunch time.
General computer knowledge is important for the ordering system.
Hourly pay with some benefits.
The candidate must pass all background checks and comply with the Child Protection Decree requirements.
The best person for this position works with teachers, students and parents well.
Contact: Jater@royalmont.
Catholic Candidate: Preferred