Bernard School – 7115 Springdale Rd.
, Cincinnati, OH 45247 (513) 353-4224
Posted: April 16, 2024
Grades 4-8: Aide/Part-Time: St.
Bernard Catholic School is a dynamic Catholic community on the West Side of Cincinnati.
We are looking for an Aide to serve in grades 4-8 for 25-30 hours per week.
Though the following list is not comprehensive a St.
Bernard Teacher’s Aide may encounter the following responsibilities: (1) cooperating with the teacher in developing/securing techniques and instructional methods, modifications, and accommodations to support students; (2) providing support, re-teaching, rereading, giving prompts, cues, and clues to help students gain better understanding of concepts taught in the classroom; (3) assisting in providing classroom instruction as directed by the teacher; (4) constructing instructional materials, copying, filing, etc.
upon teacher request.
A complete position description will be provided to applicants.
An aide must have (or have the ability to obtain) an Educational Aide Permit.
Contact: Please send a cover letter and resume to Mr.
Ertel – ertel@stbernardtc.
org if interested in being considered for this position.
God Bless!
Catholic Candidate: Preferred
Job Features
Job Category
Elementary, School Support